Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bribem Tied up by the Building Inspector and Corps of Engineers

      I really thought we'd see Bribem today. But he phoned while I was out. Here's his message: 
      "Damn dam needs to be passed by building inspector. Can't come today. And the stream drains to the Atlantic Ocean, which means Corps of Engineers (Army) have to check it out. Will call when free."
     So while we wait for Bribem to get his life back, I'll print another of the fables from the 70's.
     But I had so much trouble uploading Word docs to here that I'll just put in a link to a Google Docs site where you can read them from now on.
     The title is "Reg Fox and the Scab Grapes."
     That Google site should be accessible, even though it's "https."

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