Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bribem and The Fabulist Both Got Distracted

I finally heard from Bribem, who had been tied up delivering mail for the Postal Service over the holidays. (The Fabulist had also gotten tied up with several distractions.) Here's his message:
Never again! The US Postal Service is a confusing place to work around the holidays. First I had to convince them that I not only speak English but also read it. Then they needed to check my driving abilities. Those trucks are not paw-adapted, but I managed. Then there are the customers: Where's my LL Bean order? I needed it by yesterday! And on and on. If I never see another LL Bean sack it will be too soon.
But I made it through, and earned enough to begin buying cement for the spring repairs to the dam and lodge. And the kids could boast to their classmates that Daddy has a job for the US Government. (Though I guess technically the PO is no longer part of the government.)
So I may finally be able to visit The Fabulist, if he isn't too tied up with whatever project he got sidetracked by back in mid-December.
He apparently got so distracted he didn't even add to that free sample site for several weeks. I suspect he's planning to start selling some of our stories and doesn't want to give too many away.
We'll see.
Bribem Beaver, USPS, (retired) 

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